About Me

Tamara York

Feeling and Healing Place

I am Tamara and I live and work in the beautiful South Western corner of Western Australia, in Bridgetown, at the Feeling and Healing Place. I offer a range of professional, confidential, non judgmental, holistic, compassionate and spiritually based counselling services to adults, teenagers and children. I am available to work face to face, on the phone or online, either individually or with families.

Whether you require counselling, assistance with parenting or family support, I can help you with a range of holistic services that empower you to improve your relationship with your child or adolescent. As a holistic service, I can assist with diet, sleeping, or mental health concerns. Additionally, I can help you identify other service providers to further your knowledge and understanding.

More About Me 

In my late twenties as a young mother I experienced depression for the first time, searching for answers I joined a spiritual group and learnt a little about self-love and meditation. I realised that I had no self love or self accetance, which lead me on a search of self discovery that continues today.

I tried many different modalities of healing therapies as a way to better understand myself; travelling within Australia and to North America to complete two workshops in Shamanism. I travelled to South America for further retreats twice, and I assisted a Shaman in his retreats for three months in the mountains of Peru. I have completed workshops on Kinesiology, EFT, meditation, and other modalities that were not mainstream at the time. Additionally, I was very blessed to find an amazing healer and counsellor that I worked with for over twenty years.

In my mid-forties I decided to go to university because it was time to share my knowledge and gain professional qualifications. I began with Anthropology; I have a love of people and cultures, which provided me with a comprehensive understanding of other cultures, then I completed a BA in Human Services with a Major in Counselling.

I immediately began working with teenagers, their carers and families. I worked with children and families referred by the Department of Child Safety Services. I volunteered at the Refugee and Migrant Centre assisting migrants and refugees with English. On my return to WA I commenced work at one of Australia’s largest counselling organisations in a program with a focus on families and carers and their children. I am a play therapist, I teach mindfulness, I am a Tuning into Teens facilitator, Family Systems counsellor and I use other counselling modalities too. I enjoy my work I find it incredibly rewarding, and I feel blessed to be able to work in a job that I love.

We never stop healing, I have thirty-plus years of my own inner work, professional development and studies. I have come to a place of acceptance and peace within myself and it is time to share my knowledge.

Get In Touch

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Contact ME

P: 0429 628 253

E: tamarakyork@gmail.com